Wednesday 28 October 2009

Another type of magazine is a men's health magazine. The audience for this magzine is male adults, the main focus of the front cover of the magazine is the image of David Beckham, the magazine wants to focus on how to get fit and build up muscles.

Women's Health Magazine

This Women's Health Magazine appeals to women between the ages 20 - 60. The front cover usually has a picture of a young woman so it shows the reader that the magazine is focused on women. The subheadings are about slimming, this is usually something which appeals to women. Beauty is a big part of a woman's life so the front cover advertises beauty tips.

Children's Magazine

Another type of magazine is a children's magazine. The front cover of a children's magazine has to be bright and colourful with lots of images on so it interests the child. Putting images of famous cartoon characters gets the children's attention because they want to read the stories about their favourite characters. On a front cover of this type of magazine, you dont usually find alot of text because this would not interest the child.

Types of Magazines - Sport Magazine

There are many different types of magazines, many people like different things to read about.

A sports magazine focusses on the weekly or monthly sport. This appeals to any sports fan, the front cover usually has a picture of someone playing a sport to show that the magazine is focussed on sport. This magazine would not appeal to young children. Its main audience i would say were teenage boys or male adults.

Monday 12 October 2009

key concepts

L anguage - language that is used in media
I nstitution - the producer e.g BBC, ITV
I deology - system of
A udience - who it is aimed at
R epresentation - how the character is represented

Thursday 8 October 2009

Planning a College Magazine

When planning a college magazine i need to include images of either teachers or students, something which relates to college/school. It also needs to include the name of the magazine at the top of the front cover, also it needs mini subheadings to let the reader know what type of things are in the magazine. I also need to think about the audience my magazine appeals to, my magazine will need to be focussed on school related issues. The magazine also needs a contents page and a front cover. The contents page will list what is in the magazine and on which pages so it is easy for the reader to find what they want if they are looking for something specific or they can just have a look at the contents page to see whats actually in the magazine.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Conventions of a Contents page in a Gossip Magazine

In a gossip magazine the contents page usually contains the page number of the gossip stories which are included in the magazine, it also contains pictures of celebrities. In a way a contents page of a gossip magazine is quite similar to a college magazine, it contains the page numbers, images, and small subheadings. The images in the contents page will be pictures which show the reader whats inside the magazine such as which celebrities or pictures of real life stories.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Research on a Front Cover of a Gossip Magazine

I am going to research another magazine so i can compare a college magazine to a gossip magazine.
A gossip magazine such as heat has the front cover covered in images and big bold text. The audience for this magazine is from 14+. The magazine contains many different things inside which appeal to most age groups. It also contains the date so the reader knows if the magazine is in date or not. The price of this magazine is £1.85. The front cover also includes the website of the magazine so the reader can look to see whats on the website, websites usually get updated often.
This is a link to a different gossip magazine.
When planning my magazine i need to include :
- Images
- Magazine name
- Sub headings
- Website
- Date
- Price of the magazine
Gossip Magazine's are magazine's which are about celebrities and just full of gossip whereas college magazine's are more important because it is about college matters and things realting to schools and doesnt include gossip about any celebrities.