Thursday 1 October 2009

Research on a Front Cover of a Gossip Magazine

I am going to research another magazine so i can compare a college magazine to a gossip magazine.
A gossip magazine such as heat has the front cover covered in images and big bold text. The audience for this magazine is from 14+. The magazine contains many different things inside which appeal to most age groups. It also contains the date so the reader knows if the magazine is in date or not. The price of this magazine is £1.85. The front cover also includes the website of the magazine so the reader can look to see whats on the website, websites usually get updated often.
This is a link to a different gossip magazine.
When planning my magazine i need to include :
- Images
- Magazine name
- Sub headings
- Website
- Date
- Price of the magazine
Gossip Magazine's are magazine's which are about celebrities and just full of gossip whereas college magazine's are more important because it is about college matters and things realting to schools and doesnt include gossip about any celebrities.

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