Monday 30 November 2009

Contents Page Of NME Magazine

This contents page stands out quite alot as it has a plain white background with black text. The image saying Albums of 2009 draws the readers attention to the page as the image as big bold black text. The main focus of this magazine issue will be Albums of 2009.
The text is on the left and right hand side of the image.
At the bottom of the page it says that readers can subscribe to the magazine and save over £45. The text is in bold writing which is in yellow, the publisher will want to make this stand out as they will want readers to subscribe to the magazine.
The masthead of this page is the title of the magazine and the title "This Week".
The left hand side of the page includes the Band Index, which readers can easily read if it interests them.
The red arrow indicates that if the reader wants to read about the UK's No1 gig guide starts on page 58. The reader can go straight to the page they want to read about.

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