Thursday 5 November 2009

Front Cover of NME Magazine

Music Magazines always inlcude images of music artists to show the reader what the magazine is all about. The front cover usually has big bold text which stands out and also has subtitles so the reader knows whats in the magazine. The front cover is also using the colours red black and white, these colours are colours which catch people's attention. The colour red attracts peoples vision to the page and can also be suggested as danger. Using the colour black draws the readers attention to the page as it is bold. Using the colour white with black always makes the text of the writing stand out.
The subtitles of a front cover need to be issues which will attract readers because they want to know the full story. The subtitles can't give too much of the story away or else there would be no point in telling the story inside the magazine.
Front covers are very important, the front cover is the main attraction for readers to buy, if the front cover is just plain and boring then this won't attract reader's to buy it.
The institution of this magazine is NME.
The audience that this magazine aims at is 16+ music lovers, mainly males. The image of Lily Allen is the main focus of this magazine as there is a full image of her covering the front page. The text in yellow stands out to readers as the colour yellow is bright. At the botom of the page it includes extras the magazine has inside with a red background and white text.

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