Thursday 25 March 2010

Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page. I have two head masts, I have the initials of the name of my music magazine which is in red as on my front cover the text is in read, so I thought I would carry the colour on to my contents page. I also have "contents" in bold white writing as this tells my reader that this is my contents page.
I have also included the date of my magazine at the top right hand side of the page.
I included Features and Regulars. In my Regulars I have every issue things such as Fan Pages and Music Reviews etc.
Also on my Features I have listed story's which are included in my magazine. I have put the main story of my magazine at the top of the page list.
I have included a "subscribe today" as this would appeal to readers as they get to save money and this would make more profit for my magazine.

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