Thursday 25 March 2010

Questionnaire Feedback

I asked 5 people to do a questionnaire about my front cover of my music magazine. These are the results :

What genre do you think my magazine is?
Indie 0

R & B 0
Hip Hop 0
Pop 5

What would you say is the age range of my magazine?

10-14 1

16-18 4
18-21 0
21+ 0

Would you say the colours i used work well?

Yes 5

No 0

Is the name of my music magazine suitbable?

Yes 5

No 0

Does my image represent that my magazine is a music magazine?

Yes 4

No 1

Overall would you say my front cover is:

Very Good 4

Good 1
Okay 0
Not very Good 0
Rubbish 0

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